Friends of Sharon Team

Who We Are

  • A team of friends and family working together to support Sharon and her mother Veronica during a critical and challenging time

What We Do

  • Spread the word about Sharon’s horrific attack and her progress toward recovery

  • Raise money to help cover Sharon’s living expenses and medical costs during her rehabilitation

  • Keep Sharon’s friends and supporters informed about her progress and keep the channels of communication open

  • Working with supporters, create information to be shared with their communities online to publicize Sharon’s attack and the need for ongoing financial support

Sharon’s Support Team

The Team That Brought Sharon Home

This group of people helped Sharon get the life-saving treatments urgently needed in Kenya after her attack in July 2021. Kenyan hospitals require payment in advance before providing essential medical care. The money raised allowed Sharon to be admitted to the ICU for almost three weeks while on a ventilator. The money also paid for the 12-hour maxillofacial surgery to repair her broken jaw. Her medical care in Kenya required admission to three different hospitals and a rehabilitation center. The money raised also paid for her return flight from Kenya on a gurney, as well as the three ambulances required for each leg of the flight back to the United States.